weekly stats (15-21 August 2004)
(too old to reply)
2004-08-22 04:59:31 UTC
Newsgroup 'tnn.games.pokemon' - Weekly Stats 22-Aug-04
Generated by Chriz (***@hotmail.com)

Results are based on the messages I get from my news server.
So if you reckon it's not representative, it's not my problem.

Total Posts this period: 19
Total Bytes this period: 47431

------------------------START SECTION 'POSTERS'-----------------------

Number of posts by Person (7 people posted during this period)

TT = This Time
-1W = Last Time
-2W = Last Last Time
-3W = Last Last Last Time
AML = Average Message Lines
QP = Average Message Quoted Percent
PGM = Percentage of Group in Messages
PGB = Percentage of Group in Bytes

TT -1W -2W -3W Person # AML QP PGM PGB
--- --- --- --- ------ ---- --- ----- ----- -----
1 3 4 6 Anonunit.................. 5 67 47.1% 26.3% 26.2%
2 2 2 4 Pahsons - Somnolent - Inso 4 30 25.9% 21.1% 8.4%
2 3 4 4 Newton Haights............ 4 125 54.5% 21.1% 40.4%
4 1 1 2 Steffan Alun.............. 2 34 29.4% 10.5% 4.6%
4 7 7 --- Someones Friend........... 2 40 82.5% 10.5% 6.8%
6 --- --- --- Eeyoranns Scout........... 1 64 4.7% 5.3% 4.6%
6 5 4 1 Chriz..................... 1 117 18.8% 5.3% 9.0%
Averages ( 60 32.8%)
------------------------END SECTION 'POSTERS'------------------------

--------------------START SECTION 'BANDWIDTH HOGS!'-------------------

Person Hog Factor
------ --- ------
Newton Haights................ 2188
Anonunit...................... 945
Someones Friend............... 939
Eeyoranns Scout............... 147
Chriz......................... 54
Steffan Alun.................. 17
Pahsons - Somnolent - Insomnia 3

--------------------END SECTION 'BANDWIDTH HOGS!'--------------------

-----------------------START SECTION 'SUBJECTS'-----------------------

Number of posts by Subject (4 subjects during this period)

TT LT Subject # PGM PGB
--- --- ------- --- ------ ------
1 1 A Boost to Morale/Filler................. 13 68.42% 75.50%
2 --- FAQ of all that are new.................. 4 21.05% 10.88%
3 --- weekly stats (week ending 14th August 200 1 5.26% 9.02%
3 --- Rare Pokemon Card for Sale............... 1 5.26% 4.60%
------------------------END SECTION 'SUBJECTS'------------------------

---------------------START SECTION 'POSTS BY DAY'---------------------

14-Aug( 2)|#
15-Aug( 3)|##
16-Aug( 4)|###
17-Aug( 3)|##
18-Aug( 2)|#
19-Aug( 3)|##
20-Aug( 2)|#

Average Posts per Day = 3

(Breakdown by message creation date, not the date it was received)

----------------------END SECTION 'POSTS BY DAY'----------------------

----------------------START SECTION 'NEWSREADERS'---------------------

What news reading software is being used?

Software Posts
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Microsoft Outlook Express......................... 7 (36.84%)
Xnews............................................. 4 (21.05%)
*Unknown.......................................... 8 (42.11%)

----------------------END SECTION 'NEWSREADERS'----------------------

--------------------START SECTION 'ORGANISATIONS'--------------------

What Organisations are being posted from?

Organisation Posts
-------------------------------------------------- -----
http://groups.google.com.......................... 7 (36.84%)
Damage Inc........................................ 4 (21.05%)
BT Openworld...................................... 2 (10.53%)
WebTV Subscriber.................................. 1 (5.26%)
*Unknown.......................................... 5 (26.32%)

----------------------END SECTION 'ORGANISATIONS'---------------------

----------------------START SECTION 'NEWSGROUPS'----------------------

What Newsgroups are being cross-posted to?

-----------------------END SECTION 'NEWSGROUPS'-----------------------
Generated at 22/08/2004 2:58:34 PM
Using QDNStatsV2 (RtS#2) by Brett O'Callaghan (***@hotmail.com)
QDNStats Web Page @ http://www.geocities.com/brettocallaghan
Pahsons - Somnolent - Insomniac - Narcoleptic
2004-08-22 11:19:20 UTC
In a daze, I read Chriz's post, then collasped.
Post by Chriz
Damage Inc
Now if only everyone would recall that song, and the matador riff
Charlie Sheen: I'm gonna carve this turkey, WITH MY MANHOOD!
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T Iceduck: For the record
T Iceduck: I think that post is mean