2004-07-11 02:18:37 UTC
Newsgroup '' - Weekly Stats 11-Jul-04
Generated by Chriz (***
Results are based on the messages I get from my news server.
So if you reckon it's not representative, it's not my problem.
Total Posts this period: 20
Total Bytes this period: 16745
------------------------START SECTION 'POSTERS'-----------------------
Number of posts by Person (5 people posted during this period)
TT = This Time
LT = Last Time
AML = Average Message Lines
QP = Average Message Quoted Percent
PGM = Percentage of Group in Messages
PGB = Percentage of Group in Bytes
--- --- ------ ---- --- ----- ----- -----
1 1 Steffan Alun...................... 6 20 38.3% 30.0% 15.6%
1 1 Chriz............................. 6 48 56.0% 30.0% 46.4%
3 1 Pahsons - Somnolent - Insomniac - 5 27 38.0% 25.0% 23.7%
4 5 Jonathan Thomas................... 2 26 46.9% 10.0% 9.3%
5 5 Newton Haights.................... 1 34 29.4% 5.0% 4.9%
Averages ( 26 34.8%)
------------------------END SECTION 'POSTERS'------------------------
--------------------START SECTION 'BANDWIDTH HOGS!'-------------------
Person Hog Factor
------ --- ------
Chriz......................... 821
Pahsons - Somnolent - Insomnia 214
Jonathan Thomas............... 116
Steffan Alun.................. 98
Newton Haights................ 6
--------------------END SECTION 'BANDWIDTH HOGS!'--------------------
-----------------------START SECTION 'SUBJECTS'-----------------------
Number of posts by Subject (3 subjects during this period)
TT LT Subject # PGM PGB
--- --- ------- --- ------ ------
1 --- Weekly stats (27 June to 3 July)......... 10 50.00% 76.36%
2 --- Filler................................... 8 40.00% 18.79%
3 1 Weekly Stats: 21/06/2004 to: 27/06/2004.. 2 10.00% 4.86%
------------------------END SECTION 'SUBJECTS'------------------------
---------------------START SECTION 'POSTS BY DAY'---------------------
03-Jul( 1)|#
04-Jul( 4)|####
05-Jul( 2)|##
06-Jul( 2)|##
07-Jul( 3)|###
08-Jul( 6)|######
10-Jul( 2)|##
Average Posts per Day = 3
(Breakdown by message creation date, not the date it was received)
----------------------END SECTION 'POSTS BY DAY'----------------------
----------------------START SECTION 'NEWSREADERS'---------------------
What news reading software is being used?
Software Posts
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Microsoft Outlook Express......................... 13 (65.00%)
Xnews............................................. 5 (25.00%)
*Unknown.......................................... 2 (10.00%)
----------------------END SECTION 'NEWSREADERS'----------------------
--------------------START SECTION 'ORGANISATIONS'--------------------
What Organisations are being posted from?
Organisation Posts
-------------------------------------------------- -----
*Unknown.......................................... 20 (100.00%)
----------------------END SECTION 'ORGANISATIONS'---------------------
----------------------START SECTION 'NEWSGROUPS'----------------------
What Newsgroups are being cross-posted to?
-----------------------END SECTION 'NEWSGROUPS'-----------------------
Generated at 11/07/2004 12:16:57 PM
Using QDNStatsV2 (RtS#2) by Brett O'Callaghan (***
QDNStats Web Page @
Generated by Chriz (***
Results are based on the messages I get from my news server.
So if you reckon it's not representative, it's not my problem.
Total Posts this period: 20
Total Bytes this period: 16745
------------------------START SECTION 'POSTERS'-----------------------
Number of posts by Person (5 people posted during this period)
TT = This Time
LT = Last Time
AML = Average Message Lines
QP = Average Message Quoted Percent
PGM = Percentage of Group in Messages
PGB = Percentage of Group in Bytes
--- --- ------ ---- --- ----- ----- -----
1 1 Steffan Alun...................... 6 20 38.3% 30.0% 15.6%
1 1 Chriz............................. 6 48 56.0% 30.0% 46.4%
3 1 Pahsons - Somnolent - Insomniac - 5 27 38.0% 25.0% 23.7%
4 5 Jonathan Thomas................... 2 26 46.9% 10.0% 9.3%
5 5 Newton Haights.................... 1 34 29.4% 5.0% 4.9%
Averages ( 26 34.8%)
------------------------END SECTION 'POSTERS'------------------------
--------------------START SECTION 'BANDWIDTH HOGS!'-------------------
Person Hog Factor
------ --- ------
Chriz......................... 821
Pahsons - Somnolent - Insomnia 214
Jonathan Thomas............... 116
Steffan Alun.................. 98
Newton Haights................ 6
--------------------END SECTION 'BANDWIDTH HOGS!'--------------------
-----------------------START SECTION 'SUBJECTS'-----------------------
Number of posts by Subject (3 subjects during this period)
TT LT Subject # PGM PGB
--- --- ------- --- ------ ------
1 --- Weekly stats (27 June to 3 July)......... 10 50.00% 76.36%
2 --- Filler................................... 8 40.00% 18.79%
3 1 Weekly Stats: 21/06/2004 to: 27/06/2004.. 2 10.00% 4.86%
------------------------END SECTION 'SUBJECTS'------------------------
---------------------START SECTION 'POSTS BY DAY'---------------------
03-Jul( 1)|#
04-Jul( 4)|####
05-Jul( 2)|##
06-Jul( 2)|##
07-Jul( 3)|###
08-Jul( 6)|######
10-Jul( 2)|##
Average Posts per Day = 3
(Breakdown by message creation date, not the date it was received)
----------------------END SECTION 'POSTS BY DAY'----------------------
----------------------START SECTION 'NEWSREADERS'---------------------
What news reading software is being used?
Software Posts
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Microsoft Outlook Express......................... 13 (65.00%)
Xnews............................................. 5 (25.00%)
*Unknown.......................................... 2 (10.00%)
----------------------END SECTION 'NEWSREADERS'----------------------
--------------------START SECTION 'ORGANISATIONS'--------------------
What Organisations are being posted from?
Organisation Posts
-------------------------------------------------- -----
*Unknown.......................................... 20 (100.00%)
----------------------END SECTION 'ORGANISATIONS'---------------------
----------------------START SECTION 'NEWSGROUPS'----------------------
What Newsgroups are being cross-posted to?
-----------------------END SECTION 'NEWSGROUPS'-----------------------
Generated at 11/07/2004 12:16:57 PM
Using QDNStatsV2 (RtS#2) by Brett O'Callaghan (***
QDNStats Web Page @
The End.
The End.