Jonathan Thomas
2004-08-08 20:50:19 UTC
TGP isn't a political party or a cult. We don't need a scapegoat like
the Jews (as with the Nazis) or Western imperialism (like with the
Communists) for TGP to exist.
Here's why I dislike the trolls in TGP - because you're preventing
people from coming to the group to have an actual discussion about
something other than TGP itself. People see this group, see it's
infested with trolls, and move elsewhere. We don't need a common enemy
for the group to exist. Wanna know what would happen if you trolls
left? We'd ACTUALLY BE DISCUSSING STUFF ON TOPIC, just like we did
before there were even trolls in TGP. Not very hard to realize...
Wanna really destroy TGP? Why not leave? Consider this - if my
recollection of Chriz's posting statistics are correct, you make up
the posts in TGP. That's kinda sad, considering each of you are
posting more than me. If you left, that would leave just me and Chriz
and Clay. According to Steffan's theory, our interest would then wane
and TGP would go kapput again. But with all of you trolls still here,
you're generating activity and interest in the group. Consider this-
before Pahnsons came, I was the only "reg" in the group. Now Chriz
joined and so did Clay. You're actually bringing people to this group.
You're essentially failing. Keep it up and people may keep joining,
though at a rather slow rate.
So to conclude- we don't need an antagonist.
-Jonathan Thomas
the Jews (as with the Nazis) or Western imperialism (like with the
Communists) for TGP to exist.
Here's why I dislike the trolls in TGP - because you're preventing
people from coming to the group to have an actual discussion about
something other than TGP itself. People see this group, see it's
infested with trolls, and move elsewhere. We don't need a common enemy
for the group to exist. Wanna know what would happen if you trolls
left? We'd ACTUALLY BE DISCUSSING STUFF ON TOPIC, just like we did
before there were even trolls in TGP. Not very hard to realize...
Wanna really destroy TGP? Why not leave? Consider this - if my
recollection of Chriz's posting statistics are correct, you make up
the posts in TGP. That's kinda sad, considering each of you are
posting more than me. If you left, that would leave just me and Chriz
and Clay. According to Steffan's theory, our interest would then wane
and TGP would go kapput again. But with all of you trolls still here,
you're generating activity and interest in the group. Consider this-
before Pahnsons came, I was the only "reg" in the group. Now Chriz
joined and so did Clay. You're actually bringing people to this group.
You're essentially failing. Keep it up and people may keep joining,
though at a rather slow rate.
So to conclude- we don't need an antagonist.
-Jonathan Thomas